• eBook: From Employee Engagement to Customer Empowerment

    eBook: From Employee Engagement to Customer Empowerment

Employee engagement and customer engagement are different, right? 

Wrong. They overlap - and the common ground is the customer experience. A positive CX stems from a positive environment within your organisation, known as a "service climate". Employee happiness depends not on what the company says, but what it does, with a direct impact on CX and business performance.

This paper explores research by Professor Moira Clark of the Henley Centre for Customer Management looking at:
  • The link between employee engagement and business performance, using proven statistical methods
  • Why the relationships betweeen your people can be the source of your competitive advantage
  • The benefits of treating the Frontline as the top of your organisation
  • How to use the "service climate" to improve your service



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"Clients do not come first. Employees come first.

If you take care of your employees, they will take care of the clients."
Sir Richard Branson