Adopt a test and learn methodology to find the right metrics for your business

Posted by Maria Gray

July 20, 2015

image_for_blog_4We all love industry benchmarks and league tables. They’re useful tools for us to see how we rank against our competitors and the best in the business. But benchmarks can only go so far. Approaches that work for one brand might not be a good fit for your organisation. 

To find out what really works, you need to adopt a test and learn methodology. This will help you find the right metrics and the right way of measuring customer experience for your business.

You might be happy with the way things are right now. But if you’re not testing, you’ll never know if they could be even better. Think about the well known Einstein quote: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.” How can you hope to improve the way you’re measuring customer experience if you’re stuck doing the same thing you’ve always done?


CX Rebels Tip: Have you ever tried A/B testing to find out which channel or method of gathering feedback is most appropriate for your customers? Here’s how you can do it. First, send one feedback request to 10% of your target demographic and a different request to another 10%. Then measure the response rates to both of these requests. Finally, send the request with the highest response rate to the remaining 80% of your customers.

You can start out by testing the channels you use to capture feedback. Then start testing everything else - the way you phrase your questions, the frequency you ask for feedback, the customer segments you send a feedback request to. Experiment, measure, experiment and measure again, until you find the right fit. Testing will help you to uncover the right approach to measuring customer experience that works best for your customers. Instead of relying on generalisations or what works for somebody else, you will know what’s right for you and your customers.

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Topics: Customer Experience, Measuring Customer Experience

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