Get your employees to embrace metrics with the right engagement

Posted by Maria Gray

July 22, 2015

image_for_blog_5Often, a missing piece for customer experience measurement is getting the support you need from your employees. But they’re the key to making it work – they’re the face and voice of your brand and can ultimately make or break the customer experience.

One of the most common issues amongst employees is they feel left in the dark by senior management. If you don’t share what you’re doing and why you’re doing it, how can you expect them to know why it’s so important? Create a plan to engage your employees and communicate what’s happening with them at each and every stage. Remember, measuring and capturing feedback isn’t a stick. It’s designed to motivate your employees and empower them to self-improve. After all, when your employees are engaged, they’re much more likely to go the extra mile for your customers.

CX Rebels Tip: Share the feedback you get from customers directly with employees, so they can see where their strengths are and also any areas they need to improve. Feedback is much more powerful when it comes from the people they serve – the customer. So when someone in a Contact Centre has a great conversation and they receive a really good piece of feedback, share it with them and they’ll get instant recognition for their hard work. Equally, when they've had a bad day (maybe they were a bit short or grumpy) it’s all there for them to see in their feedback. Their feedback and the metrics they’re measured against become a mirror they can put up for their own day-to-day performance.

For real engagement, it’s vital to make it fun. No one wants work to be a chore. When you’re ready to go live, have an official launch day to celebrate, that way your employees will feel more involved and be more likely to embrace the metrics as part of their day-to-day role.


As well, many Contact Centres are trying Gamification to make the daily life of their Agents more exciting and engaging. It’s about making it interactive, keeping employees engaged and using the real-time feedback to improve your brand and service.

Want to hear more on the above? Get your name on the list for our upcoming Event: Build a Great Customer Experience to join over 150 CX leaders at a LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® WORKSHOP for an innovative, day designed to help you enhance innovation and customer experience.

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Topics: Customer Experience, Measuring Customer Experience

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