How to change your Contact Centre Customer Experience for the better!

Posted by Andy Scott

April 7, 2015

rant-and-rave-contact-centres-success-stories-396241-editedCustomer Service is and always has been at the heart of most Contact Centres. But with some Contact Centres answering up to 1,000 phone calls a day, some of the more outdated metrics such as mystery shopping programmes and cherry-picked customer surveys just aren’t a good enough performance measure!

So, why not throw out the idea of using tick box questionnaires or lengthy surveys from a handful of your customers and capture feedback from all of them in real-time? This will allow you to use the insight gathered from customers to keep your team engaged and influence change.

Find out which one of our major brands is doing just that here.

Are you interested in finding out how to improve your Customer Experience in the Contact Centre? Watch our Webinar on this very subject:

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Topics: Contact Centre, Customer Experience

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