How To Improve Customer Satisfaction

Posted by Maria Gray

April 23, 2015

how_to_improve_customer_satisfactionCustomer Satisfaction is much more than just a number; it’s a gateway to understanding your customers’ emotions and expectations and more importantly, a means to continuously improve the Customer Journey.

Most businesses find themselves constantly searching for ways to improve their Customer Satisfaction, and there are loads of different ways to do it, but here are two ways we find work particularly well:

Make your Customer Experience as easy as possible.

In today’s world where good and bad customer experiences can go viral in a matter of hours, many brands now choose to include PR stunts in their Customer Satisfaction strategies. But the truth is, customers don’t need an all-singing, all-dancing experience in order to keep them happy. Instead, all they want is for things to be easy.

Research carried out by Harvard Business Review showed that 94% of customers who reported low effort would buy from the company again and 88% of those said that they would increase their spend.
By keeping your customers engaged throughout their experience with real-time proactive communication, you can reduce customer effort, avoid complaints and dramatically boost Customer Satisfaction.

Another is by listening to your customers in a way that suits them.

Rather than relying on outdated survey methods, there is a more simple way of measuring Customer Satisfaction, as well as gaining real actionable insight on how to boost Customer Satisfaction. And that’s using a real-time Voice of the Customer solution as opposed to the standard Customer Satisfaction survey.

Customers are never somewhat satisfied, and no survey can anticipate everything they’re likely to think, which is why we advocate simply asking ‘how are we doing’ and letting them respond in their own words, through the most convenient channel for them and at a time that’s convenient for them too, not just between your normal opening hours.

By listening to the Voice of the Customer in this way, you’ll find that you’ll capture more, much richer insight on how you can make changes to your Customer Experience to improve your Customer Satisfaction.

To find out more about how our technology can improve your Customer Satisfaction, watch our Customer Satisfaction Webinar, where you'll find out how to delight your customers!

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Topics: Customer Satisfaction, Improve Customer Satisfaction

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