3 Reasons You Need a Multi-Channel Strategy for Customer Feedback

Posted by Emma Rudeck

August 5, 2015

people_are_differentIt’s a fact of life that none of your customers are exactly the same. Each and every one of them has a different way they like to find out information. Some will want to browse your website while others prefer to speak to someone over the phone.

 By giving them a choice of channels, it means you can adapt to do what works best for them and make their whole experience much easier and more positive.

These individual preferences are also why it’s so important to provide your customers with a variety of options to leave their feedback. Having a multi-channel strategy for customer feedback offers real benefits to brands, including the three reasons outlined below.

#1 A multi-channel strategy for customer feedback makes it easier for your customers to engage with you


Whoever your customer is and wherever they are in the world, you want to make it as easy as possible for them to give you feedback.

Why do this? In short it makes it much more likely for them to give you feedback. It doesn’t matter then if they’re out and about, stuck in the office or at home, as a customer, you can still give feedback in a way that’s convenient and fits more comfortably into everyday life.

#2 Your customers expect to be able to reach you in the way that works best for them


We’re all used to the idea of communicating with our family and friends in the way that works best for us. So, it no surprise, that consumers now expect this flexibility from brands as well. It’s frustrating for them if the channel they’d prefer to use isn’t an option. Plus, if the option they want isn’t available, chances are they’ll choose to not give any feedback at all.

#3 It will help you to improve your response rates


Customers are much more likely to provide you with feedback, if you give a choice of channels that’s convenient and suits them.

Here’s an example. Atos, who provides technology and support services to the likes of the Ministry of Justice, NHS Scotland and The Home Office, had a real challenge collecting feedback from a high-end B2B audience. The company works with busy people and getting their attention is costly. To combat this, Atos adopted a multi-channel approach to capturing customer insight, giving them the choice to leave feedback in their own words via email or immediately after speaking to a Contact Centre agent via voice recording. As a result of asking customers for their thoughts in their own words (as opposed to in a lengthy survey), Atos have cut their survey costs from £50 to 10p and dramatically improved their response rates. They achieve responses from 35% of requests via email and up to an incredible 90% from requests made via IVR!

If you're looking for more ways on how to improve your customer feedback strategy, including how you can make it fun for your customers, get your name on the list for our upcoming event!

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Topics: Customer Feedback, Customer Experience

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