Emma Rudeck

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A Must-See Webinar for Customer Experience Rebels

Posted by Emma Rudeck

There are two types of people in this world. There are those who play by the rules, do what they’re told and keep their head below the parapet. And there are those who don’t.
Read More December 20, 2016

Topics: Customer Experience, Customer Engagement

How important is it to get your CX right first time, every time?

Posted by Emma Rudeck

It’s been said that it takes just seven seconds for someone to form a judgement about you. We also know from recent International research that first impressions are also tough to challenge once...
Read More August 9, 2016

Topics: Customer Experience, Customer Engagement

Four Business Benefits of Putting Emotion at the Heart Of Customer Engagements

Posted by Emma Rudeck

Emotion is a big driver of customers’ economic behaviour. So in order to have a meaningful engagement with your customers, you need to engage with them on an emotional level.
Read More August 5, 2016

Topics: Customer Engagement, Emotional Engagement

How to Recover When a Customer Call Doesn’t Go to Plan

Posted by Emma Rudeck

Sometimes a call with a customer doesn’t quite go to plan. Maybe you fumbled a sales call. Possibly your customer wasn’t in a good mood and was rude to you. Or perhaps something went wrong further...
Read More July 13, 2016

Topics: Contact Centre, Frontline Engagement

Part Two: 3 more types of bias that CX experts need to know about

Posted by Emma Rudeck

In our second blog post on cognitive bias, we’re going to look at 3 more traits that will help you shape your customer service experience and prevent knee-jerk changes to the business based on single...
Read More June 29, 2016

Topics: Customer Experience

Why Customer Loyalty is More Important than Customer Satisfaction

Posted by Emma Rudeck

If you ask most business leaders whether they want satisfied customers, chances are they’re going to say ‘yes’. It’s not really a surprise because we know that happy customers are a part of any...
Read More June 16, 2016

Topics: Customer Loyalty, Customer Satisfaction

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