Mobile - The Perfect Contradiction

Posted by Nigel Shanahan

Life is becoming full of contradictions. Just look at the way we use our mobile phones. For many of us they have become one of our primary tools for both killing and saving time. It might sound...
Read More September 1, 2014

Topics: Mobile Communication, Mobile Customer Feedback

Mobile: the bridge over troubled waters?

Posted by Mike McMaster

Customer experience causes trouble. As soon as you start asking customers for feedback, and letting them have their say, in their own words...they have a tendency to tell you exactly what they think.
Read More July 27, 2014

Topics: Mobile Communication, Mobile Customer Feedback

Why SMS is failing in British Businesses

Posted by Rant & Rave

The Guardian published a stat last year that claimed mobile phone owners in Britain look at their phone over 200 times per day – that’s roughly every 5 minutes of every waking hour.
Read More May 2, 2014

Topics: Mobile Communication, Business SMS, SMS Confirmations

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