The Alternative to Customer Satisfaction Surveys You Need to Know About

Posted by Maria Gray

For far too long, customer feedback has been intrinsically linked to customer satisfaction surveys. It’s the go to method for collecting customer feedback. The thinking behind it makes sense; if you...
Read More November 4, 2015

Topics: Customer Satisfaction Survey

How To Get Feedback From Customers

Posted by Maria Gray

Customers in every industry always have something to say about how their experience was with an organisation, and their explanations of their experience always seem to be quite emotional.
Read More April 23, 2015

Topics: Customer Satisfaction, Customer Satisfaction Survey

Customer Satisfaction Surveys - Is there another way?

Posted by Jules

So you've moved on from customer comment cards and have decided to try your hand at an online customer satisfaction survey.
Read More October 27, 2014

Topics: Online Survey, Customer Satisfaction Survey

Are You Afraid of Survey Fatigue?

Posted by Mike McMaster

Just in case you didn’t have enough worry in your life already, now you get to worry about survey fatigue. Are you over-surveying your customers? Are they getting fed up of all the questions? Or,...
Read More June 27, 2014

Topics: Customer Satisfaction, Customer Satisfaction Survey

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