Customer Effort & Engagement: How Do You Measure Up?

Posted by Maria Gray

December 9, 2015

effort-web-button-1-116789-edited.jpgEveryone knows that satisfied customers are vital to the success of any business in today’s market place, and the contact centre is no different.

Huge efforts are going in to understanding and improving customer satisfaction scores, with the hope being that satisfied customer are more likely to stay loyal to a brand and buy more from them in the future. And with so many channels available to customers, it’s more important than ever to understand how the customer is feeling at each one.

But is this enough?

What role does customer effort play in the modern contact centre? And what else can brands do to engage customers?

We've recently teamed up with ContactBabel to bring you the latest UK Contact Centre Decision Makers guide on Customer Effort and Engagement.

The report is based on research from contact centres throughout the UK and considers:

  • Customers’ effort in their dealings with organisations through the many and expanding new channels available to them
  • How brands can engage with customers to reduce customer effort
  • How customers prefer to be contacted by contact centre agents
  • What customers value from their contact centre experience

Get your hands on a copy here:

Get my copy!

Topics: Customer Engagement, Customer Effort

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