How to Embed CX into Your Cultural Values

Posted by Molly Shanahan

April 10, 2017

We know the secret: CX success relies on strong cultural values.

It’s hard to maintain a genuine customer-first approach when CX isn’t embedded in each part of the organisation. Short-term pressures and changing priorities mean the customer can very quickly become second, third or fourth on the list - unless being customer-centric is a clear part of your brand DNA. A customer centric-culture needs to drive the way you work as a business. It then becomes more natural for everyone in the organisation to prioritise and solve for the customer.

Here are the key steps to take to embed CX as part of your cultural values:

Earn Sponsorship from Senior Execs

Support and sponsorship from senior execs help to drive momentum for CX, as it keeps CX high on the organisation’s agenda.

If you need to convince execs that they should support this approach, you need to talk to them in their language. In other words, show how embedding CX as part of your cultural values can improve the bottom line.

But this isn’t about senior execs doing everything. It isn’t even about one team driving CX forward, CX is part of everyone’s job role. While senior execs will typically take ultimate responsibility for the headline metrics, they rely on the whole organisation to make it happen. A top-down approach will not embed CX into your cultural values; everyone should be invested in this vision.

Align CX to your Mission and Vision

To become part of the way you do business, your approach to CX has to align with your organisation’s mission and vision.

Alongside this, publishing a document outlining your approach to CX and the cultural values that underlie it, means they’re visible and easy for everyone to access. Include examples that make the values specific to your organisation, demonstrating what it means to you to put the customer first.

Measure Improvements Against KPIs

You’ll never embed CX within your cultural values if you don’t have a process for identifying, prioritising and resolving any sticking points or problems - as and when they occur. By measuring performance, you’ll be able to see the trends. You’ll also be able to spot areas that need to be improved.

Having KPIs for your approach to CX will also help you to close the loop back to senior execs - and earn further support and sponsorship moving forward.

Interested in improving customer satisfaction? Explore our ContactBabel report where we investigate the methods available for surveying and explore what factors make a VoC programme successful.  

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