How To Make the Most Out of Raveolution

Posted by Rant & Rave

October 31, 2016

How-To-Make-the-Most-Out-of-Raveolution-2016.jpgCustomer Engagement Raveolution was a little different this year. And by different we mean a little more bonkers. Whilst this is always to be expected at an event with Rant & Rave, we also place strong importance on providing value to our attendees.To help you capture all that great content and CX knowledge on the day here are a few pointers to help you plan ahead, making the experience as smooth and as enjoyable as possible.
Taking steps to prepare for the day will allow you to capture the onslaught of CX ideas, stories and inspiration, meaning that you won't leave feeling too overwhelmed (no promises though, Raveolution is always an assault on the senses).

Check out the speaker bios

Before you decide on which speakers you want to meet, make sure that you check out their bios and do your research. As much as you may try, you won’t be able to get round to all of them yourself, so you need to narrow down your priorities. By having a look at their bios and CX specialities, you’ll get more of a clue as to what they’ll be speaking about and decide whether it’s for you or not.

This is also handy if you have a particular interest or goal in mind, as you don’t want to spend time discussing customer retention when you want to learn more about how you can inspire your frontline team. If you have colleagues with similar interests, use a divide and conquer strategy to make sure that you cover everything and swap notes at the end.

Finalise your travel arrangements

Whether you're travelling long distance or not, the morning rush can quickly become a stress when you hit London, especially if you've not planned out your route. Take the time to know the route you'll be taking so you can sleep with peace of mind and wake up in the morning with peace of mind, this means when you arrive at Raveolution you're early, relaxed and ready to take in all of the insights and experiences across the day.

Join our LinkedIn Group and get involved on Twitter

By joining our LinkedIn Group you won’t just get updates about the event, but will be able to make connections before you arrive. With all of the CX professionals and fellow marketers attending, it’s the perfect opportunity to meet similar people with a passion for CX. You'll also get to know about how other brands and organisations work and potentially make some meaningful and useful acquaintances. Remember, if it’s your intention to meet new people, it may be worth taking your business cards, or clearing some space in your phone’s contact list.

Another great way to network is to connect with us on Twitter and use the hashtag #CER16 (for this year) to get involved in the social chatter. Whether you're tweeting on the day when the magic is happening or in the lead-up, you can inspire CX conversations. engage with us or any of the other attendees online.

Take advantage of being early

Even at the best events in the world, you still have to queue before you can get in, and you can’t make the most of an event if you arrive late. Raveolution is no different. Although we’ve made the process as speedy as possible, it will still take some time for you to register, so make sure that you’re there with plenty of time for the start. That way you can take advantage of our breakfast and coffee too!

Take something to note down your ideas

Whether it’s a notepad, a tablet or a laptop, have something to note down your ideas and thoughts across the day. There’s going to be a lot of content thrown at you so you need to be prepared to catch it. Therefore we recommend you to make sure your devices are charged and that you bring a portable power bank with you as you don’t want your devices crashing at a critical moment. However, in the event they do, we've introduced a merchandise and charging stand this year where we can charge your devices. Simply head over and whilst you're charging your device you can check all of our thought leadership collateral, Raveolution is a melting pot of ideas and we don't want you to miss out on capturing them!

Don’t lose it, use it

Once you get back into the office, don’t just leave your notes at the bottom of your bag, start to make use of them. There’s no point in collecting all of these great ideas if you’re not going to take them and implement them, no matter how small a change. Raveolution (and Rant and Rave’s) philosophy is to improve all customers’ experiences and take action. Afterall, you wouldn't capture customer feedback and then do nothing with it would you? Get creative, be passionate and become a true customer experience rockstar.

Did you miss Raveolution this year? Or were you left wanting more? Not to worry, we've released the Raveolution Resolutions Guide. The guide pulls together all of the insights captured on the day, helping you to adopt the latest customer engagement tactics to become a true CX rockstar. Grab your copy below!

become a cx rockstar

Topics: Customer Engagement Raveolution

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