How To Measure Contact Centre Performance

Posted by Yiannis Maos

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April 9, 2015

Contact Centre PerformanceOver the last couple of years, there’s been a massive shift when it comes to performance measures in the Contact Centre. 

For the first time, we’re starting to see that Customer Satisfaction, NPS, Customer Effort and other similar metrics are being looked upon as the key metrics relating to how successful Contact Centres are. One of the companies adopting this way of measuring their Contact Centre performance is News UK.

News UK capture Customer Feedback over a variety of channels - SMS messages, e-mail and Live Chat. Live Chat is a really interesting one. Even though Live Chat is becoming really integral to Contact Centres, not a lot of organizations are actually using it to capture Customer Feedback, which is a shame as the insight News UK gather from Live Chat is proving to be really valuable.

In terms of measuring their Contact Centre performance, News UK uses different metrics at different times to identify how well they’re doing. For example, NPS is used right at the end of the Customer Journey as this illustrates how their customers feel about the overall service they’ve received. Whereas Customer Satisfaction is used at other parts of the journey where it’s more relevant to the customer and more useful to the business.

News UK also track the amount of effort their customers have to put in to do business with them, which allows them to make improvements so that they can ensure that the Customer Experience is as easy as possible from start to finish.

So what can you take from News UK’s example?

You can make sure that you’re collecting Customer Feedback across all channels available to you and your customers, so that you can truly understand how they feel with regards to your organisation.
Once this insight has been gathered, it needs to be acted upon as quickly as possible, to show your customers that you are truly listening and taking their suggestions on board.

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Topics: Contact Centre, Customer Experience

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