The Best Bits From CER 14

Posted by Kirsti

November 26, 2014

customer-engagement-raveolution-2014-33With inspirational speakers, stunning views of London, a pub quiz and British themed cocktails, it’s safe to say that Customer Engagement Raveolution truly was an event with a difference. But what can we learn from it now we’re back to the humdrum of the office?

To save you the time of digging through your notes (or the presentations if you couldn't make it!) here are some of the key takeaways from CER 2014.

Dennis Fois, CEO, Rant & Rave
  • The need for emotional empathy is growing
  • “From now on, it's not enough to think you know your customers — you have to really know what they care about most” Forrester 2014
  • The DNA of challenger brands – Ask, Care, Reward
  • “As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others”

Empower your customers and employees

Maria McCann, Founder, JoHo Ventures
  • 55% of organisations will compete primarily on service by 2020, compared to 9% on cost
  • Make the CFO your first follower
  • Build a community, not a department
  • Don’t ask for a budget, create one
Andrew Gallagher, Senior Marketing Director, Papa John’s
  • Reward loyalty
  • Engage emotionally – connect with your customers beyond the occasion
  • Deliver a personalised service
Andrew Richards, Director of Regional Banking, Metro Bank
  • Create fans, not customers
  • Surprise and delight every customer
  • Deliver unlimited convenience – not just between 9-5!
Thomas Rebel, Customer Director, HomeServe
  • Aim for effortless customer service over exceeding expectations
  • Listen to feedback. Fast track the pressing issues or explain to customers why things are done in this way
Justin Haines, Customer Services Director, OVO Energy
  • “Trust is hard won and easily lost”
    To build a company fit for the future you must be in the business of creating and maintaining trust
  • Word of mouth is invaluable
  • Technology – use it or lose them

Click below to see everything from the event, including all of the presentations, photos, videos and feedback.

Take me to the Raveolution

See you next year!

Topics: Customer Engagement, Customer Engagement Raveolution

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