Gamification: It doesn't feel like work if you're enjoying it

Posted by Hards

September 19, 2014

gamificationMore often than not, our working lives are spent staring at screens and typing away. After a while it can become quite mundane. For that reason it is important to make sure the applications and tools that your team are using are fun, engaging and most importantly, informative.

At Rant & Rave we want to give you tools that not only help you do your job, but also allow you to enjoy what you are doing. To achieve the ‘fun factor’ we are embracing a design philosophy called Gamification when creating our User Interfaces, such as the Fast Feedback Dashboard and even how customers provide you with feedback.

Gamification, according to Gartner is “the concept of applying game mechanics and game design techniques to engage and motivate people to achieve their goals” or in Rant & Rave language ... making technology fun so using it doesn’t feel like a bore!

There are a number of ways to achieve Gamification, for example, having neat transition effects when things change on screen or by introducing elements from other cool applications such as Social Media profiles and news feeds like Avatars and Sharing. Think about when you use your mobile apps and instead of pressing buttons you are swiping the screen or dragging things into the Recycle Bin when you want to delete items from your Computer Desktop.

Find out how our frontline engagement solution can engage employees in the Contact Centre in our Infographic:


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