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Getting to the bottom of Customer Feedback Analysis

Posted by Hards

Big Data is definitely a big buzzword but you don’t need to be lost within your data warehouse for it to be a problem.
Read More October 28, 2014

Topics: Customer Feedback, Customer Feedback Analysis

Gamification: It doesn't feel like work if you're enjoying it

Posted by Hards

More often than not, our working lives are spent staring at screens and typing away. After a while it can become quite mundane. For that reason it is important to make sure the applications and tools...
Read More September 19, 2014

Topics: Blog

Customer feedback: It's All About The Timing

Posted by Hards

I can’t help but think that if a brand really cares about customer feedback and how their customers feel, they wouldn’t wait weeks to ask you – so why do some brands reach out at a snail’s pace?
Read More September 5, 2014

Topics: Customer Feedback, Real-time Customer Feedback

Topics: Customer Feedback, Customer Feedback Solution

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