A Great Online Customer Experience

Posted by Shirley Wilson-Brown

May 20, 2014


spinning-plates_shirleys-blogIn today’s busy life, we’re continuously spinning plates and trying to keep a dozen balls in the air at any one time, well, that’s the case for me, anyway!

Long gone are the days where I could pop out to a shopping centre and spend hours shopping; it’s now the norm to spend unlimited time shopping online instead.

With that in mind, I find it amazing how different the online customer experience can be and how wrong some companies are going about it. It’s obvious that many companies just aren’t putting themselves in their customer’s shoes.

For example, I can buy from one online store (for the sake of this blog, and how fantastic their online customer experience is, I’ll name them), ASOS. Their website is quick and simple and at the point of checkout, you know exactly when your parcel will arrive. And they don’t stop there. As well as knowing the day, you receive a text the day prior to delivery, informing you of your 15-minute delivery window, the name of your driver and you’re also given the opportunity to re-arrange delivery for a more appropriate time should you wish. If you want you can even track your driver on route to your house, no hanging around waiting in, it’s perfect!

I then went onto a different site and placed a further order (not one I’ll share because it really was horrific). My first thought was that it wasn’t the simplest of sites to navigate and the only reason for my purchase was that I could pay half the price that I would at my local salon. Well, the checkout was fine but the delivery details were extremely vague, as it told me I would receive my order in approximately 8-12 days – well, I did say vague! I then received a questionnaire immediately after my purchase of which many questions were around the expected delivery date, suggesting to me they were already aware this was an issue, which made me question their original estimation of 8-12 days. I was right to be suspicious, as after 18 days I still have not received my parcel. The company are continuing to say it should be with you in a day or so! How many more days do they need before dealing with the issue?!

Clearly the first online customer experience was, by far, superior, and it’s for the simple fact that they've gone to the effort of putting themselves in the shoes of those their site is designed for, their customers. Customers want their online experience to be clear, simple and easy, and ASOS do just that, and more. Their online experience goes well beyond the point of you placing an order; they proactively keep you informed from the moment you submit payment to the moment you receive your parcel, and it is a consistent experience, time after time!

So the moral of the tale – Putting yourself in your customers shoes, as well as managing every touch point and expectation along the way, is essential to a successful online business and providing a seamless online customer experience, from point of purchase to point of delivery, even when that concerns 3rd party delivery companies!

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