What are the biggest challenges facing modern CX professionals?

Posted by Emma Rudeck

October 16, 2015

Customer_experience_challengesModern CX professionals are faced with a tough ask. Not only do they need to keep up with advances in technology and consumer trends, they also need to work hard to stay ahead of the competition and continue to meet rising customer expectations.

In short, the customer experience landscape is changing, and changing fast.

With so much happening, it’s not surprising there are some tough challenges ahead. Here are 3 of the biggest that CX professionals are currently facing.

#1 They don’t really know what customers want

Be honest here, do you know what your customers really want from you? Really, really? 

Listening to your customers, throughout their journey with you, is the key here. Are you genuinely delighting them at each and every touchpoint? And are you collecting feedback as a pulse check to find out which stages are delighting them and which are disappointing?

Feedback is the key to knowing if something is going right or wrong.  By collecting it in real-time, you’ll be able to respond in real-time. So, if something does go wrong, you can act fast to make it right.

#2 They need to move quick to keep up with the competition


Have you ever found yourself in the situation where you’ve been working hard for months on an innovative new approach to customer experience? Only to discover that as soon as you’ve got it ready to go, a key competitor has launched a new initiative before you even got yours out the door. Suddenly, you find yourself caught out and on the back foot.

The funny thing here is that this challenge isn’t new. Competition for customers has always been tight. The main difference now is that customers want and expect real-time engagements, which challenges the way most organisations have traditionally approached their CX strategy.

Cutting-edge is where everyone wants to be, but this calls for a new approach – starting with engagement and being genuinely agile. With this mindset, you’ll be able to move faster and be proactive, rather than reactive, in the face of the competition.

#3 Want to gather feedback from people who didn’t become customers  


Imagine if you could gather feedback from people who didn’t become customers - it would be powerful insight.

This one is really tough. After all, if someone didn’t become a customer, are they likely to want to give you feedback at the end of their journey with you? One way you can overcome this is by asking for feedback throughout the journey, rather than relying on a single survey at the end. As well, offer listening posts, so they can give you feedback at times that suit them.

It might not help them become customers. But this insight could help you to spot the trends that stop them from becoming customers, so you can make changes for the future.

If you're looking for more ways to improve your customer experience, take a look at the On Demand presentations from our expert speakers at recent CX Day event: Build a Great Customer Experience:

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