3 Practical Tips to Improve Employee Engagement in the Contact Centre

Posted by Emma Rudeck

March 7, 2016

Employee_engagement_in_the_contact_centre.jpgYour agents are the face and voice of your brand. So, by definition, you’ll want them to put their best foot forward for your brand.

Part of this means training your teams, ensuring they know what to do and what’s expected of them. Then you need to retain your agents, maintaining the high standards that you set. That said, the best laid plans for retaining and training your employees will still come to nothing if you don’t engage your employees.

Employee engagement in the contact centre drives and motivates your agents. It does this by capturing their attention (creating buzz), instilling a genuine sense of belonging and empowering them through insights to self-improve.

If your goal is to improve employee engagement in the contact centre, here are three tips to help you get started.

#1 Keep your employees in the know on everything that’s happening

Nobody likes being left out in the cold, uncertain about what's happening. It creates an atmosphere of suspicion, gossip and unease – definitely not what you’re looking for if you want to engage your employees

Keeping everyone informed and up-to-date doesn’t have to be complicated. You can use a proactive communication solution to share any announcements (big or small) in real-time.

#2 Share praise and customer feedback


Motivation doesn’t have to come from grand gestures or expensive incentive programmes. Sometimes a kind word and a thank you for a job well done is all that it takes.

A reassuring word after a tricky call can make all the difference to an agent who is having a bad day. Likewise, letting your employees know what your customers have to say can have a real impact. Share your Voice of the Customer feedback with your team -  the positives and the negatives -  so they can see where their strengths lie and what they need to do to improve.

#3 Reduce the pressure by alleviating routine tasks


Contact centres can be high pressure environments, especially when up against tight targets.

One way to relieve the pressure on your agents is by proactively taking care of the tasks that take up most of their time. Send your customers the information they need to know via SMS or Email for routine enquiries, such as delivery notifications and alerts for delays. That way you can free your agents to focus on making high-value calls and deliver exceptional customer service.

If you want a couple more tips, check out our Infographic:

Get your copy now!

Topics: Employee Engagement, Contact Centre Customer Experience

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