Why Your Customers Aren't Sharing Their Feedback With You

Posted by Rant & Rave

July 30, 2014

rant-and-rave-capturing-voice-of-the-customer-at-moments-of-truthYour customers are already Ranting & Raving about your brand, the trouble is 96% of the time they don’t share their thoughts with you directly. Instead they turn to their friends and family, review sites and increasingly, social media to discuss their customer experience.

The good news is, if you make it easy for them to give you their feedback at the moments most important to them, their ‘Moments of Truth’, they will be happy to tell you first, allowing you to respond.

The trick is to combine ‘Event triggered’ requests for feedback sent after key interactions, with advertised ‘Listening Posts’ which encourage customers to share their thoughts whenever they feel the need.

We’ve just put together an exclusive Infographic which explores how you can capture and respond to the Voice of your Customers at key touch points across a typical journey.

It also includes best practice advice on how to reduce customer defection, increase response rates and encourage word of mouth referrals, so we’re certain you’ll find it useful.

Download our Infographic now!

Get your copy

Topics: Customer Feedback, Proactive Communication

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