Tap Into Your Inner Child to Create a Great Customer Experience

Posted by Molly Shanahan

August 4, 2015

tap_into_your_inner_childThere are so many different ways to provide great customer service, especially considering the many new strategies and technologies available to companies. Having said this, sometimes the best way to engage customers and give them an excellent experience is to use the most simple ideas.

Our event on CX Day at LEGOLAND Windsor urges you to tap into your inner child in order to build a great customer experience, and this isn't a tool that should be underestimated in the world of customer service as a whole.

In fact it may seem simple, but by thinking like a child in ten easy ways, we could get a really good idea of how to return to customer service basics and excel in the most important areas.

So what are the main characteristics of children?

1. They're impatient


The speed at which it’s delivered is one of the most important aspects of customer service. Nobody wants to be kept waiting, and like children, customers will lose interest quickly if a service isn't delivered to them in a time they deem acceptable. We, as customers, expect speed and efficiency more than ever, so if our expectations aren't met in this way then we won't hesitate in looking for alternatives. People don't like waiting, whether it's on the phone to a call centre, for the arrival of a parcel or in a queue in a shop. Avoid making your customers wait and chances are you've made a simple change that results in a huge increase in the standard of service in the eyes of your customers.

2. They want to be rewarded


If you want customers to take time out to share valuable insights and feedback about the service you're providing them with then, chances are, they'll expect some kind of incentive. Companies requesting feedback is no new concept, so why should a customer share their thoughts and feelings with you over any of the other brands they come into contact with? Make it worth their while and you're much more likely to hear what they have to say.

3. They want to play


Carry this idea on and ensure that the ways in which customers can share feedback are the most interesting that they can be. Make sharing feedback fun and customers will be more likely to do it. If customers have a big issue that they want to share with you then chances are they'll make that extra bit of effort in order to (not that this should be relied on). Keep it lighthearted and you're much more likely to hear those little things that are so important in building up the bigger picture. Gamification is a huge advance in this type of customer interaction, allowing customers to use game mechanics in their experiences, and above all, keeping interactions fun.

4. They want to share with friends


We live in a social world, and with people spending so much time on their phones, why not make the most of this? We're not talking about simply contacting them through mobile channels, but also making the most of what they're doing on their phones, using social media and talking to friends. Give customers a platform by which they can share their experiences and opinions about brands with friends and family, and most importantly through the world of social media.

5. They're honest


One thing you can guarantee about children is that they'll tell you exactly what they're thinking, but the beauty of customer feedback is that it's often the same. As soon as customers are given the opportunity to share their views in a channel that suits them, and in their own words, they're suddenly much more likely to say exactly what they think. Give customers a real, authentic voice - not just an option on a survey and you'll start really hearing the voice of the customer coming through stronger than ever.

6. They love surprises


There’s an element of expectation between a customer and a company, whether it’s about a level of service, the quality of a product or a reward that they hope to receive. And what’s better than all of this? Surprises. When a company surpasses our expectations, that’s when we really sit up and listen. You could do something that your competitor hasn't thought of, you could give customers discounts or offers for their birthday, or acknowledge difficulties you're aware they've experienced. Whatever it is, by showing your customers that you're willing to go above and beyond what’s expected of you, you are showing them that you care.

7. They're easily distracted


Remember, regardless of your sector, there are usually thousands of alternatives that customers could jump to. If your service isn't up to scratch, then what's to stop them exploring their other options? Plus, most of the time your competitors will be working to distract customers away from you, so keeping them engaged is more important than ever!

8. They want attention


It's not enough to simply urge customers to share their feedback, people increasingly need to feel that their voices are being heard, and, more than this, that their views are actually making a difference. Each customer is more than just a number, and the more that they feel this during their interactions with you, the better their experience. Plus, the more likely they’ll be to actually share their valuable feedback with you.

9. They want to laugh


Never underestimate the power of fun and laughter in creating a great customer experience. If you can keep things lighthearted and funny, chances are that this will capture the attention of your customers. Sometimes customer service is as simple as making a customer smile, from a friendly member of staff to a funny advertising campaign, or a thoughtful personalised brand campaign, all of these small, fun elements can make a great customer experience, overall.  

10. They don't want to be confused


Of course nobody wants to be patronised or spoken down to but all too often, the type of language companies use in their communications with customers is far too confusing. Technical jargon, long-winded explanations and impersonal corporate collateral is all too easy to ignore. Increasingly, companies are using simplified, 'real' language to speak to their customers, with great reactions. People don't want to feel like they're talking to a huge company, even if they are. What's the point in speaking if you feel your voice will just get lost among the crowd? People want to talk to people, so keep it simple and keep it understandable.

How would you communicate with children? You'd keep it fun, keep it friendly and ensure you were keeping them engaged. So why does this so often get lost with customer experience? Tap into your inner child and chances are you'll improve the way you communicate with your customers, and more importantly, the way your customer communicates with you.

Sign up to our event at LEGOLAND WINDSOR on CX Day (6th of October) to find out more about tapping into your inner child to build a great customer experience.

Sign up!

Topics: Customer Experience, Customer Communication

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