Three CX Pitfalls Every Organisation Needs to Avoid

Posted by Rant & Rave

March 8, 2017

Three-CX-Pitfalls-Every-Organisation-Needs-to-Avoid.jpgImplementing a CX approach isn’t easy. Sure, you may be aware of the different components that are needed to drive this approach forward. But putting it all together can be hard. It’s easy to put a foot wrong and end up with something that falls short of what you want.

To help you avoid mistakes, here are three of the most common pitfalls to avoid.

Pitfall #1: Having a clear strategy, but failing to execute

There are very few (if any) business leaders who lack a vision. The challenge they face comes in turning that vision into a reality. The world we live in moves at such a fast pace that it’s not longer practical or realistic to spend 6 months refining a strategy. By the time you come to implement your approach, it’s likely to be out of date and no longer relevant to your customers.

CX programmes that get stuff done and make things happen are the ones that prioritise execution. The biggest challenge isn’t in the creation of the strategy, it’s the execution of it that will really set you apart from your competitors. Linking customer engagement to the value of the business by connecting it to ‘real’ business metrics and results will also mean that your campaign will survive the chop if the bottom line isn't being met.

Pitfall #2: Not linking CX metrics to business performance

CX programmes will have their own measures and metrics in place. Whether it’s NPS, CSAT or any one of a number of other metrics available, to prove ROI it has to be linked back to business performance.

A common failing with CX programmes is looking at the metrics in isolation. If the measure increases, it’s seen as a success, regardless of whether or not it’s had an impact on the bottom line. The major issue with this approach is that you can’t necessarily correlate an increased score with increase revenue, retention or any other broader business metrics. A loyal and happy customer is not the same as a profitable customer. 

Pitfall #3: Not focusing on employee engagement as part of your CX programme

Customer experience is everyone’s job. It doesn't matter whether or not the person is customer facing, they have a role to play. And when it comes to delivering on the promise of your CX programme, there is a correlation between positive employee attitudes and positive score. Even if an agent can’t solve the problem that the customer has, the NPS score they give will typically be higher if the agent is positive and not negative.

So, if you’re not valuing your people and not involving them, then your development, as an organisation, company or team, is reliant upon ideas and engagement coming from very few places.

If you work in a contact centre, you can scan the hundreds of seats, look at all of the teams, and pretty quickly without even looking at any stats, probably know who the best performers are. It’s the people that are smiling. The ones that are there to have a good day and have a great experience. Sure, there’s the odd occasion where they might have a bad day, but the frequency is low. Instead, they choose to create great experiences because of their mindset, their behaviour and the way that they act. 

Interested in hearing some Contact Centre wisdom?

Get your hands on our latest report with ContactBabel where we explore the best methods you can use to gather customer insight and what makes a Voice of the Customer programme successful. What are you waiting for? Download Part One below!


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