Why Closing the Loop is Essential for True Engagement

Posted by Rant & Rave

August 2, 2017

Why Closing the Loop is Essential for True Engagement | Rant & RaveGathering customer feedback is essential in an age where opinion drives purchasing decisions. But are you guilty of asking but not acting on the back of customer feedback?                               

It’s a common downfall of many CX projects; businesses spend countless hours gathering data but do little with this insight. In the eyes of the customer, asking for feedback and doing nothing about it is worse than not asking for feedback in the first place. Even worse, customers will start to recognise that you’re not listening or making changes based on their comments.

Here’s why acting on the insights gained from CX feedback will drive genuine engagement with your customers.

Feedback helps identify customer wants and needs - acting on it drives better experiences

Modern customers expect a personalised buying experience, and with verbatim feedback, you can build an invaluable picture of what they want and need - in their own words.

The CX feedback data you collect will provide key insights into what makes your customers tick. And, once you know what they want, you can deliver a solution in the form of content, offers and products that appeal to their wants and needs. 

Feedback uncovers experience gaps - acting on it closes the gap

The journey your customers take from prospect to client may be littered with gaps that negatively affect their experience.

So, why not work with them to identify those gaps? By gathering feedback in real-time, you’ll demonstrate that you value customer input and want them to play an active role in creating a better customer experience.

Look at your customer feedback for signs that processes are moving too slowly, are too difficult or are creating unnecessary barriers, as these are areas where you can make improvements.

CRM Integration brings together customer data - acting on this insight creates personalised experiences

By integrating your customer feedback into CRM, you can quickly fill the gaps you identify. Perhaps the feedback received suggests your business has started to lose that personal touch due to an increase in digital communication. If that’s the case, your CRM could be used to create a more personalised communication platform by relying on past purchase data and customer preferences.

Business systems are at their most useful when they work in harmony. When handling high volumes of CX data, integration is key to making sense of it all.

Acting on feedback shows you really care about your customers 

Show them you care by acting on the feedback you receive. Neither positive nor negative customer feedback should be given precedence; both are important and need addressing. It might be tempting to spend the majority of your time resolving complaints. But, remember, customers appreciate it when you take the time to say thank you for a compliment and it also serves as a great opportunity to amplify the customer's voice - by posting this to your social channels you'll demonstrate how you're not just listening but your proving that you deliver a great experience for customers.

Failing to act on customer feedback is worse than not requesting it at all. If you ask questions and fail to act on them, your customers are well within their rights to assume you don’t care.


eBook: The Essential Guide to Emotional Engagement



Topics: Customer Feedback, Customer Engagement

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