Mike McMaster

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Do only 4% of your customers want to share their customer feedback?

Posted by Mike McMaster

We've all seen the statistic that says that 4% of unhappy customers will actually go on to tell the company about their problem - clearly a huge problem for any organisation.
Read More November 10, 2014

Topics: Customer Feedback, Blog

Quantum Theory & Voice of the Customer, or are your Customers Quarks?

Posted by Mike McMaster

The Observer Effect lurks in the depths of quantum theory and chucks up a challenge to scientists - the act of measuring something changes the thing that is being measured.
Read More October 23, 2014

Topics: Voice Of The Customer

Would you gamble your customer experience for 50p?

Posted by Mike McMaster

When we want customer service, we tend to want it to be a good experience. And how long it takes is certainly part of the mix – it is one of the 4 key drivers of whether a Customer Experience is easy...
Read More August 28, 2014

Topics: Customer Experience, Customer Experience Management

Can you spot the moments that win 23 years of Customer Loyalty?

Posted by Mike McMaster

I went to see my bank last week. This doesn't happen very often, as I'm hardly a major client, and they have a habit of only being open when I am at work.
Read More August 25, 2014

Topics: Customer Loyalty, Voice Of The Customer

Mobile: the bridge over troubled waters?

Posted by Mike McMaster

Customer experience causes trouble. As soon as you start asking customers for feedback, and letting them have their say, in their own words...they have a tendency to tell you exactly what they think.
Read More July 27, 2014

Topics: Mobile Communication, Mobile Customer Feedback

Why my Dad makes me fly in the face of public opinion

Posted by Mike McMaster

My homework this weekend was to sort out some flights, as my wife and I are heading abroad for a couple of weeks in September, and we like to plan ahead.
Read More July 21, 2014

Topics: Customer Feedback, Word Of Mouth

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