How can a Customer Experience board make a difference to your organisation?

Posted by Maria Gray

If customer experience is about creating a different, genuine way for you and your customers to interact, then what can you do to really make a difference?
Read More May 21, 2015

Topics: Customer Experience Board

Tips and Tricks for an Effortless Customer Experience

Posted by Maria Gray

The phrase Life Hacks is everywhere nowadays, isn't it? Give it a quick search on Google and you'll find entire sites dedicated to tips and tricks that will just 'change your life'.
Read More May 20, 2015

Topics: Customer Experience

The main stakeholder in Customer Experience?

Posted by Maria Gray

A lot of people think that senior management are the most important internal stakeholders. But that’s probably a misconception.
Read More May 18, 2015

Topics: Customer Experience Board

Three reasons you need a Customer Experience Board

Posted by Maria Gray

If you agree that delivering a superior customer experience is vital to your business, you’ve no doubt realised that things in this space are really starting to change. Saying that you care about...
Read More May 14, 2015

Topics: Customer Experience Board

The benefits of implementing a Customer Experience board

Posted by Maria Gray

As things in the Customer Experience space change more and more rapidly, the idea of implementing a Customer Experience board is becoming more popular amongst organisations.
Read More May 11, 2015

Topics: Customer Experience, Customer Experience Board

How To Get Feedback From Customers

Posted by Maria Gray

Customers in every industry always have something to say about how their experience was with an organisation, and their explanations of their experience always seem to be quite emotional.
Read More April 23, 2015

Topics: Customer Satisfaction, Customer Satisfaction Survey

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