Molly Shanahan

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How to Stop Treating your Customers Like Numbers

Posted by Molly Shanahan

As an industry, we know that survey fatigue is real. We know that customers are fed up of lengthy surveys and are craving real engagement with brands. Sadly, the only thing we’re doing is creating...
Read More August 4, 2016

Topics: Customer Emotion, Emotional Engagement

The top 3 reasons you need to make decisions from a cultural perspective

Posted by Molly Shanahan

“Culture eats strategy for breakfast,” said the highly-regarded management consultant Peter Drucker.
Read More July 11, 2016

Topics: Employee Engagement

Customer emotion: It's more logical than you might think…

Posted by Molly Shanahan

When you hear the term ‘customer emotion’, it’s easy to turn a blind eye and cast it aside as idealistic or unnecessary. After all, you don’t need to make your customers laugh, cry or shout - you...
Read More February 9, 2016

Topics: Customer Emotion

Six brands making the most of customer emotion

Posted by Molly Shanahan

Customer emotion is predicted to be the next big thing in customer engagement strategies. It's everywhere at the moment, and it makes perfect sense.
Read More February 4, 2016

Topics: Customer Emotion

The Future of Fun Feedback!

Posted by Molly Shanahan

How can we make the mechanism around giving feedback more fun for the consumer?
Read More September 30, 2015

Topics: Customer Feedback

What’s Stopping Your Customer Feedback from Being Fun

Posted by Molly Shanahan

To start making feedback fun, we first have to unpick what it is that stops feedback from being enjoyable.
Read More September 29, 2015

Topics: Customer Feedback

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