Rant & Rave

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Why Insurers Need to Move Fast to Meet Customer Expectations

Posted by Rant & Rave

HomeServe has long been committed to actively listening and responding to the Voice of its Customer. When customers finish speaking to a HomeServe representative, they’re transferred to a recording...
Read More January 16, 2017

Topics: Customer Experience, Customer Satisfaction

How You Can Use Technology to Improve Employee Engagement in the Contact Centre

Posted by Rant & Rave

It goes without saying that being under unnecessary pressure at work can leave you feeling disengaged and unhappy. Well, this couldn’t be truer for your Frontline Contact Centre agents.
Read More January 9, 2017

Topics: Contact Centre, Employee Engagement

One Easy Way to Quadruple Revenue in the Contact Centre

Posted by Rant & Rave

Most Collection teams share a similar problem, one I’m sure you’ve experienced if you run a Contact Centre. Your agents are trying to contact customers to collect or remind them to settle an overdue...
Read More December 5, 2016

Topics: Contact Centre

Customer Experience: Business Strategy or Technology?

Posted by Rant & Rave

Customer Experience lacks a standard definition, and this means that any one new to the industry can struggle in knowing where to start or how to set goals. In the evolving CX world we're also faced...
Read More November 23, 2016

Topics: Customer Experience

How To Make the Most Out of Raveolution

Posted by Rant & Rave

Customer Engagement Raveolution was a little different this year. And by different we mean a little more bonkers. Whilst this is always to be expected at an event with Rant & Rave, we also place...
Read More October 31, 2016

Topics: Customer Engagement Raveolution

The Insider's Guide to Customer Engagement Raveolution 2016

Posted by Rant & Rave

This year Customer Engagement Raveolution is returning with a bang! Take a breath and steady yourself because there's a good chance you might fall off your chair with excitement (we're so excited...
Read More October 24, 2016

Topics: Customer Engagement Raveolution

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