Sam Roberts

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Upcoming Webinar: How to deliver customer experience excellence by emotionally engaging your employees

Posted by Sam Roberts

Research shows that if your employees are disengaged then they’re probably not going to deliver the experience your customers are looking for.
Read More June 15, 2016

Topics: Employee Engagement

5 Small Steps That Will Make a Big Difference to Your Customers

Posted by Sam Roberts

Sometimes, it seems that everyone is focused on the next big strategy or initiative. But, when it comes to your customer, it’s the little things that can really make a difference.
Read More June 14, 2016

Topics: Customer Experience

How do you capture the true voice of the customer?

Posted by Sam Roberts

Customers aren't completing surveys, so what can you do? We believe that the time for surveys has long gone, customers aren't engaged and brands are wasting valuable resource.
Read More June 10, 2016

Topics: Customer Surveys, Voice Of The Customer

Sky’s approach to customer engagement

Posted by Sam Roberts

Think about the last time you were really emotional about something. This can be either end of the scale – from utter devastation to complete elation. Did you keep these feelings to yourself?
Read More June 7, 2016

Topics: Customer Engagement, Real-Time Feedback, Customer Emotion

3 Ways to Emotionally Engage the Frontline

Posted by Sam Roberts

Ask any customer experience professional what is at the top of their list of challenges and it’ll likely be emotionally engaging with frontline staff.
Read More June 3, 2016

Topics: Customer Emotion, Agent Engagement

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