How to Measure Emotional Engagements with Your Customers

Posted by Kirsti Anderson

Customer Experience has made significant progress in using metrics to earn accountability and respect. But the rise of Emotional Engagement demands new ways of thinking about metrics.
Read More July 14, 2016

Topics: Customer Emotion

The Four Myths of Emotional Engagement You Need to Know

Posted by Kirsti Anderson

Winning the hearts of your customers and colleagues is never going to be easy. When you’re trying to provide a bespoke experience to very large and very diverse audiences, managing expectations is...
Read More July 12, 2016

Topics: Customer Emotion

Why people trump technology when it comes to emotional engagement

Posted by Sam Roberts

Did you see the heartwarming tale of Patrick and Emily that was being shared on LinkedIn earlier this year? If you did, you’ll know why it’s a lovely example of genuine emotional engagement.
Read More July 8, 2016

Topics: Employee Engagement, Customer Emotion

Why Emotion needs to be tied to Business Results

Posted by Sam Roberts

Think back to the last time you experienced great service. What made it ‘great’? Without a doubt, it will have been the person you spoke to on the end of the phone or online chat.
Read More June 24, 2016

Topics: Customer Emotion

Sky’s approach to customer engagement

Posted by Sam Roberts

Think about the last time you were really emotional about something. This can be either end of the scale – from utter devastation to complete elation. Did you keep these feelings to yourself?
Read More June 7, 2016

Topics: Customer Engagement, Real-Time Feedback, Customer Emotion

3 Ways to Emotionally Engage the Frontline

Posted by Sam Roberts

Ask any customer experience professional what is at the top of their list of challenges and it’ll likely be emotionally engaging with frontline staff.
Read More June 3, 2016

Topics: Customer Emotion, Agent Engagement

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