Emma Rudeck

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Why The Future Of Technology Is Now...

Posted by Emma Rudeck

Never before, in the history of the world, have culture or communication moved faster than they do today. A lot of this is driven by technology, which allows us to do more than ever before.
Read More December 30, 2015

Topics: Future of Technology

How To Create Value In A Technology Driven World

Posted by Emma Rudeck

Have you ever looked at a computer mouse and thought about all the different people that help to make it?
Read More December 23, 2015

Topics: Technology

5 Key Takeaways From Customer Engagement Raveolution 2015

Posted by Emma Rudeck

What happens when you bring together 120 CX leaders, a fantastic speaker line-up and a star-studded James Bond theme?
Read More December 18, 2015

Topics: Customer Engagement Raveolution

How To Improve Customer Retention With A Proactive Approach

Posted by Emma Rudeck

For many brands, their approach to customer retention is reactive; they wait until the customer says they’re going to leave before doing anything about it. Then, suddenly, the brand bombards the poor...
Read More December 15, 2015

Topics: Customer Retention

3 Ways to Attract and Retain Amazing Frontline Employees

Posted by Emma Rudeck

Did you know that being famous for delivering a great customer experience could help you to recruit great employees? Strong customer advocacy will naturally help you attract new customers as well as...
Read More December 14, 2015

Topics: Customer Experience, Employee Engagement

Three customer experience trends you need to know about for 2016

Posted by Emma Rudeck

We might only be half way through our advent calendars, but 2016 is starting to look very close indeed. As 2015 draws to a close, it’s time to look ahead and make plans for next year.
Read More December 8, 2015

Topics: Customer Experience

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