Three Ways Hospitality and Leisure Brands Can Face the CX Challenge

Posted by Sam Roberts

Arguably, the challenge for the hospitality and leisure brands is clear, customers expect more than ever before. But, for every organisation in this sector, the specific challenge is different,...
Read More January 12, 2017

Topics: Customer Experience, Customer Engagement

8 Things to Think About in Customer Experience For 2017...

Posted by Sam Roberts

Whether you're looking to shake things up in 2017, or you just want to explore what lies ahead, we've got the definitive scoop on all of the hot topics that will be dominating customer experience and...
Read More January 5, 2017

Topics: Customer Experience, Customer Engagement

A Must-See Webinar for Customer Experience Rebels

Posted by Emma Rudeck

There are two types of people in this world. There are those who play by the rules, do what they’re told and keep their head below the parapet. And there are those who don’t.
Read More December 20, 2016

Topics: Customer Experience, Customer Engagement

Customer Experience: Business Strategy or Technology?

Posted by Rant & Rave

Customer Experience lacks a standard definition, and this means that any one new to the industry can struggle in knowing where to start or how to set goals. In the evolving CX world we're also faced...
Read More November 23, 2016

Topics: Customer Experience

How CX in Retail is Evolving

Posted by Rant & Rave

With customer expectations increasing, it’s not surprising that CX in retail is evolving, it’s a fast-moving space. To help retailers make sense of the key changes, we’ve outlined the four areas that...
Read More October 12, 2016

Topics: Customer Experience, Retail Customer Experience

The Worst Mistake You’re Making With Your Customer Experience Vision

Posted by Rant & Rave

This year marked our third Customer Engagement Raveolution, so we decided to look back on the last three years and all the different types of organisations we’ve worked to identify three things that...
Read More September 26, 2016

Topics: Customer Experience

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