Customer Satisfaction Trends for 2018: What You Need to Know

Posted by Rant & Rave

A customer satisfaction survey seemingly pops into our mailbox every time we make a purchase, engage in a call centre interaction or check out of a hotel room.
Read More December 6, 2017

Topics: Customer Satisfaction

Solving for the Customer: Taking Satisfaction to the Next Level

Posted by Molly Shanahan

Raise your hand if customer satisfaction is a priority for your organisation? Most brands would agree it's crucial to get customer satisfaction right.
Read More April 3, 2017

Topics: Customer Satisfaction

Why Insurers Need to Move Fast to Meet Customer Expectations

Posted by Rant & Rave

HomeServe has long been committed to actively listening and responding to the Voice of its Customer. When customers finish speaking to a HomeServe representative, they’re transferred to a recording...
Read More January 16, 2017

Topics: Customer Experience, Customer Satisfaction

Why Customer Loyalty is More Important than Customer Satisfaction

Posted by Emma Rudeck

If you ask most business leaders whether they want satisfied customers, chances are they’re going to say ‘yes’. It’s not really a surprise because we know that happy customers are a part of any...
Read More June 16, 2016

Topics: Customer Loyalty, Customer Satisfaction

How to get the full story behind your CX metrics

Posted by Maria Gray

It’s all very well knowing the numbers when it comes to customer satisfaction, but what’s happening to drive those numbers? Here’s an example.
Read More November 2, 2015

Topics: Customer Satisfaction, Measuring Customer Experience

How To Get Feedback From Customers

Posted by Maria Gray

Customers in every industry always have something to say about how their experience was with an organisation, and their explanations of their experience always seem to be quite emotional.
Read More April 23, 2015

Topics: Customer Satisfaction, Customer Satisfaction Survey

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