Emma Rudeck

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The Good, The Bad and The Ugly of Customer Experience

Posted by Emma Rudeck

It’s universally acknowledged that the first step in solving a problem, is admitting that you have one. And the world of customer satisfaction is no exception.
Read More October 26, 2015

Topics: Customer Experience

The Horrible Mistake You’re Making with Tech in the CX Space

Posted by Emma Rudeck

Staying ahead of your competition is one of the major challenges facing many CX professionals. To achieve this, the focus is often on the new, the innovative and the exciting.
Read More October 23, 2015

Topics: Customer Experience

Digital Natives vs Digital Immigrants – What does this mean for Customer Experience?

Posted by Emma Rudeck

The age of grumpiness starts at 35. It’s when we start to complain more. It’s when we start to expect more. It’s when we won’t settle for less.
Read More October 22, 2015

Topics: Customer Experience

How to deliver a consistently great customer experience

Posted by Emma Rudeck

As consumers, we’re complaining more than ever. According to Professor Moira Clark, 66 million complaints about products and services were made in 2014. That ‘s almost double the number from the...
Read More October 20, 2015

Topics: Customer Experience

Are you ready for a new approach to customer experience?

Posted by Emma Rudeck

Sometimes it’s worth reminding ourselves why we care about customer experience. What is it that makes us want to engage our customers and give an experience worth raving about?
Read More October 19, 2015

Topics: Customer Experience

What are the biggest challenges facing modern CX professionals?

Posted by Emma Rudeck

Modern CX professionals are faced with a tough ask. Not only do they need to keep up with advances in technology and consumer trends, they also need to work hard to stay ahead of the competition and...
Read More October 16, 2015

Topics: Customer Experience

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