Emma Rudeck

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Making Customer Feedback Fun [eBook]

Posted by Emma Rudeck

Let’s be honest, some companies have been mistreating customer feedback for far too long. They’ve made it boring. They’ve made it time-consuming. They’ve made it all about them... not about their...
Read More September 23, 2015

Topics: Customer Experience

5 Quotes to Inspire You to Put the Fun Back into Feedback

Posted by Emma Rudeck

If you’re anything like me, you probably find going to events is a great way to get new ideas and get inspired. You get to listen to amazing stories, find out different ways of doing things and get...
Read More September 21, 2015

Topics: Customer Experience

3 Reasons Your Customers Are Giving Up On Surveys

Posted by Emma Rudeck

Now, be honest here, when was the last time you answered a full-length survey? Maybe you opened it up, with the good intentions of leaving your feedback. But, by page 16, you were too bored and...
Read More September 14, 2015

Topics: Customer Feedback, Customer Surveys

How optimised customer journeys help you stand out from your competitors

Posted by Emma Rudeck

Customers often become (and remain) loyal to a brand as a result of the experiences they have throughout their entire customer journey.
Read More September 11, 2015

Topics: Customer Experience, customer journey

Four TED talks to inspire you to think differently about customer feedback

Posted by Emma Rudeck

Sometimes we all need a break from the day-to-day. We just need that little bit of inspiration to give us a completely fresh idea or new way of thinking about a problem that we’re going through.
Read More September 10, 2015

Topics: Customer Feedback, Customer Experience

Is Your FrontLine ‘Without a Cause’?

Posted by Emma Rudeck

When it comes to motivating your frontline to do more, where do you start? Increase pay? Run incentive campaigns? Review their benefits packages? While these are often the first places that companies...
Read More August 31, 2015

Topics: Contact Centre Customer Experience

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