Emma Rudeck

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What Board Games Can Teach Us About Customer Experience [Infographic]

Posted by Emma Rudeck

Did you know that 'Jenga' is actually the Swahili word for 'build'? Or that the highest scoring word in scrabble is oxyphenbutazone? And Parker Brothers prints thirty times more Monopoly money every...
Read More August 28, 2015

Topics: Customer Experience

3 Reasons to Attend the Webinar Build a Great Customer Experience with the Future in Mind

Posted by Emma Rudeck

With so many webinars available, it can be hard to know which to sign up for and why you should attend. With this in mind, we’ve highlighted 3 reasons that you need to know about our next webinar:...
Read More August 26, 2015

Topics: Customer Experience

How Proactive Comms Can Reduce Inbound Calls to the Contact Centre

Posted by Emma Rudeck

How many inbound calls do you receive to your contact centre that are just to ask routine questions? You know the type of thing: When is my order due? Can I get an update on progress?
Read More August 21, 2015

Topics: Contact Centre, Customer Experience

Are You Missing Out on Hidden Insight in Your Customer Feedback?

Posted by Emma Rudeck

Over time, as you gather more and more customer feedback, you’ll be able to piece together trends and common themes.
Read More August 20, 2015

Topics: Customer Experience

Build a Great Customer Experience with the Future in Mind [Webinar]

Posted by Emma Rudeck

Sometimes, it's the smallest things that can make all the difference. Hearing your customers and listening to them are two very different things, and while we may be in danger of sounding like a...
Read More August 17, 2015

Topics: Customer Experience, Webinar

One tip to help improve contact centre productivity

Posted by Emma Rudeck

Have you ever been to a coffee shop/pub (delete as appropriate) where the person serving knows exactly what you want? You don’t even need to ask, they just see you walking in and start pouring.
Read More August 13, 2015

Topics: Contact Centre Customer Experience

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