The Impact of the Internet on Customer Engagement

Posted by Jen

This year marks the 25th birthday of the Internet. It’s fair to say that its inception and subsequent global success has transformed the way we do business. This is never more apparent than the way...
Read More July 21, 2014

Topics: Customer Engagement, Internet

How Can Voice Of The Customer Help The Telecommunications Sector?

Posted by Rant & Rave

With overall UK revenues continuing to decline but demand for an increasingly diverse range of services such as; 4G, VOIP and Mobile Internet on the increase, the Telecommunications sector is...
Read More July 21, 2014

Topics: Customer Emotion, Telco, Voice Of The Customer

Customer Experience Doesn't Have to be Hard

Posted by Jen

This is an issue that's been playing on my mind lately. When it comes to customer experience, don't we, brands and customers, all just want the same thing - to deliver and receive an easy customer...
Read More July 16, 2014

Topics: Customer Experience, Customer Experience Management

Customer Loyalty & Growth Hacking

Posted by Gary Schwartz

I’ve recently become a serious adherent of Growth Hacking. Have you heard of it? Growth Hacking refers to a variety of marketing techniques that are designed to improve all aspects of the customer...
Read More June 30, 2014

Topics: Blog

Student Feedback: Educating the Market

Posted by Nick Boxhall-Hunt

Recent news from the BBC has demonstrated that the undervalued, but highly vocal demographic of Students are starting to make a noise about the level of service they are getting, or more importantly,...
Read More June 27, 2014

Topics: Customer Feedback, Customer Feedback In Education

Are You Afraid of Survey Fatigue?

Posted by Mike McMaster

Just in case you didn’t have enough worry in your life already, now you get to worry about survey fatigue. Are you over-surveying your customers? Are they getting fed up of all the questions? Or,...
Read More June 27, 2014

Topics: Customer Satisfaction, Customer Satisfaction Survey

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