How important is it to get your CX right first time, every time?

Posted by Emma Rudeck

It’s been said that it takes just seven seconds for someone to form a judgement about you. We also know from recent International research that first impressions are also tough to challenge once...
Read More August 9, 2016

Topics: Customer Experience, Customer Engagement

How to Explain Customer Experience to a New Employee

Posted by Sam Walker

You’re part of a company that really values the importance of customer experience and you want to make sure that this mentality runs throughout your organisation.
Read More July 22, 2016

Topics: Customer Experience

Where will Voice of the Customer Be One Year from Now?

Posted by Beth Faller

Our survey says . . . that surveys don’t actually work very well anymore. In fact, average survey response rates today can be as low as 2-5%.
Read More July 21, 2016

Topics: Customer Experience, VoC

Part Two: 3 more types of bias that CX experts need to know about

Posted by Emma Rudeck

In our second blog post on cognitive bias, we’re going to look at 3 more traits that will help you shape your customer service experience and prevent knee-jerk changes to the business based on single...
Read More June 29, 2016

Topics: Customer Experience

Part One: 3 types of bias all CX experts need to know about

Posted by Kirsti Anderson

As important as statistics and metrics are, numbers rarely tell the whole story. Customers make decisions based on a wide range of factors – many of which are seemingly intangible.
Read More June 28, 2016

Topics: Customer Experience

5 Small Steps That Will Make a Big Difference to Your Customers

Posted by Sam Roberts

Sometimes, it seems that everyone is focused on the next big strategy or initiative. But, when it comes to your customer, it’s the little things that can really make a difference.
Read More June 14, 2016

Topics: Customer Experience

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