How to Measure Emotional Engagements with Your Customers

Posted by Kirsti Anderson

Customer Experience has made significant progress in using metrics to earn accountability and respect. But the rise of Emotional Engagement demands new ways of thinking about metrics.
Read More July 14, 2016

Topics: Customer Emotion

How to Recover When a Customer Call Doesn’t Go to Plan

Posted by Emma Rudeck

Sometimes a call with a customer doesn’t quite go to plan. Maybe you fumbled a sales call. Possibly your customer wasn’t in a good mood and was rude to you. Or perhaps something went wrong further...
Read More July 13, 2016

Topics: Contact Centre, Frontline Engagement

The Four Myths of Emotional Engagement You Need to Know

Posted by Kirsti Anderson

Winning the hearts of your customers and colleagues is never going to be easy. When you’re trying to provide a bespoke experience to very large and very diverse audiences, managing expectations is...
Read More July 12, 2016

Topics: Customer Emotion

The top 3 reasons you need to make decisions from a cultural perspective

Posted by Molly Shanahan

“Culture eats strategy for breakfast,” said the highly-regarded management consultant Peter Drucker.
Read More July 11, 2016

Topics: Employee Engagement

Why people trump technology when it comes to emotional engagement

Posted by Sam Roberts

Did you see the heartwarming tale of Patrick and Emily that was being shared on LinkedIn earlier this year? If you did, you’ll know why it’s a lovely example of genuine emotional engagement.
Read More July 8, 2016

Topics: Employee Engagement, Customer Emotion

7 reasons you need to test new product ideas with your customers

Posted by Sam Roberts

How do you build that rapport with customers and ensure they stick by you? The secret, as Ruth Harrison discussed at our Year of Emotion event, is delivering products and experiences that solve a...
Read More July 7, 2016

Topics: Customer Needs

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