A Great Online Customer Experience

Posted by Shirley Wilson-Brown

In today’s busy life, we’re continuously spinning plates and trying to keep a dozen balls in the air at any one time, well, that’s the case for me, anyway!
Read More May 20, 2014

Topics: Customer Experience Management

Creating a great customer experience? Easy does it!

Posted by Mike McMaster

Most businesses instinctively understand the appeal of NPS; who wouldn’t want more customers actively telling the world how great you are? After all, these Ravers are the pay-off for delivering a...
Read More May 19, 2014

Topics: Customer Experience, Customer Experience Management

Rant & Rave @ Customer Focus 2014

Posted by Yiannis Maos

On the 30th April 2014 our Client Services Director, Mike McMaster, told the Customer Focus Conference the benefits of getting your customers to Rant & Rave.
Read More May 16, 2014

How to create real-time inspired action

Posted by AndyLatham

Can a computer truly understand the feelings and emotions of a person? Not just by spotting keywords, but by gaining real insight in real-time so the brand can take immediate action?
Read More May 2, 2014

Topics: Customer Feedback Technology, Real-Time Feedback

Why your Surveys aren't giving you the real Voice of your Customers

Posted by Rant & Rave

Surveys have long been the method of choice for capturing customer feedback, but are they really telling you everything you need to hear?
Read More May 2, 2014

Topics: Customer Experience, Customer Feedback Survey

Ryanair – Defying All the Odds to Create a Great Customer Experience

Posted by Yiannis Maos

Ok so I’m going to shock people now… My favourite digital experience of 2014 is… Ryanair! I, like a lot of people, was very sceptical when Mr O’Leary came out and said to the world he would:...
Read More May 2, 2014

Topics: Customer Experience, Blog, Ryanair

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