How Delivering a Return on Emotion Can Improve Your Customer Retention Rate

Posted by Molly Shanahan

A report by American Express suggested that 3 in 5 Americans would try a new brand or company if they believed they would provide a better service experience. This makes it clear that brands need to...
Read More November 10, 2016

Topics: Customer Engagement, Emotional Engagement

How important is it to get your CX right first time, every time?

Posted by Emma Rudeck

It’s been said that it takes just seven seconds for someone to form a judgement about you. We also know from recent International research that first impressions are also tough to challenge once...
Read More August 9, 2016

Topics: Customer Experience, Customer Engagement

Four Business Benefits of Putting Emotion at the Heart Of Customer Engagements

Posted by Emma Rudeck

Emotion is a big driver of customers’ economic behaviour. So in order to have a meaningful engagement with your customers, you need to engage with them on an emotional level.
Read More August 5, 2016

Topics: Customer Engagement, Emotional Engagement

Why Your Customers Are More Than Just Data

Posted by Emma Rudeck

Our society, shopping experiences and work days are defined by our every click, preference and recorded journey.
Read More June 8, 2016

Topics: Customer Engagement

Sky’s approach to customer engagement

Posted by Sam Roberts

Think about the last time you were really emotional about something. This can be either end of the scale – from utter devastation to complete elation. Did you keep these feelings to yourself?
Read More June 7, 2016

Topics: Customer Engagement, Real-Time Feedback, Customer Emotion

Customer Effort & Engagement: How Do You Measure Up?

Posted by Maria Gray

Everyone knows that satisfied customers are vital to the success of any business in today’s market place, and the contact centre is no different.
Read More December 9, 2015

Topics: Customer Engagement, Customer Effort

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