Understanding customer journeys is vital to building a great customer experience

Posted by Emma Rudeck

When it comes to evaluating and analysing how your customers feel about their experience, you’re probably focusing on all the different touchpoints your customers have with your organisation.
Read More July 31, 2015

Topics: Customer Experience, customer journey

Damaging the Customer Experience by Getting the Simplest Bit Wrong

Posted by Kevin Shirley

When you plan a big holiday (10th wedding Anniversary trip) you tend to spend an inordinate amount of time going through the research part of the journey and making sure you really know what you want...
Read More July 29, 2015

Topics: Customer Experience

The power in harnessing your data

Posted by Maria Gray

Cusomer Insight2 + Business Intelligence2 = A Great Experience2 Sometimes it can feel like we’re swimming in data. We’ve all got more reports and spreadsheets than we know what to do with.
Read More July 27, 2015

Topics: Customer Experience, Measuring Customer Experience

Be radical! Scrap metrics all together AND get better, more actionable insight

Posted by Maria Gray

We're all used to looking at scoring and assessing whether something is good or bad. But, arguably, scoring mechanisms are preventing you from really understanding the subtleties and sentiments of...
Read More July 24, 2015

Topics: Customer Experience, Measuring Customer Experience

Get your employees to embrace metrics with the right engagement

Posted by Maria Gray

Often, a missing piece for customer experience measurement is getting the support you need from your employees. But they’re the key to making it work – they’re the face and voice of your brand and...
Read More July 22, 2015

Topics: Customer Experience, Measuring Customer Experience

Adopt a test and learn methodology to find the right metrics for your business

Posted by Maria Gray

We all love industry benchmarks and league tables. They’re useful tools for us to see how we rank against our competitors and the best in the business. But benchmarks can only go so far. Approaches...
Read More July 20, 2015

Topics: Customer Experience, Measuring Customer Experience

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