How Customers Can Help You to Innovate Product Development

Posted by Rant & Rave

Customers have rarely been involved in product development in the past. This is surprising since they’re the ones that will eventually be using them. In most scenarios, feedback from previous models...
Read More August 23, 2016

Topics: Customer Feedback

4 Ways to Use Customer Feedback to Identify Problems Faster

Posted by Rant & Rave

Most Voice of the Customer programmes are reactive – they wait until customers flag up problems through negative feedback before they resolve an issue.
Read More August 22, 2016

Topics: Customer Feedback

When It Comes to Acting On Feedback, Are Your Departments Still Siloed?

Posted by Rant & Rave

The contact centre team should be receiving and acting upon customer feedback all of the time. But what if you’re in marketing, sales, or business development? You may want to hear what customers are...
Read More August 16, 2016

Topics: Contact Centre, Customer Feedback

Why capturing feedback in real-time is essential

Posted by Molly Shanahan

If you’ve ever received an email asking for feedback on a call that you made 3 months ago, you know how frustrating it is. Even if you thought that the call was amazing at the time, how are you...
Read More August 12, 2016

Topics: Customer Feedback, Real-Time Feedback

How emotion can change the way you view customer feedback

Posted by Dennis Fois

Traditionally, we’ve looked at feedback and our conversations with customers in a service environment. It’s a reactive model, though it’s the way that feedback is typically handled.
Read More June 2, 2016

Topics: Customer Feedback, Customer Emotion

Why Less Is More When Asking For Customer Feedback...

Posted by Emma Rudeck

Imagine you had the chance to speak to your hero? Just you and them, with all the time in the world. Chances are you’d want to ask them a question or two ... or seven.
Read More March 16, 2016

Topics: Customer Feedback

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