Upcoming Webinar: How to deliver customer experience excellence by emotionally engaging your employees

Posted by Sam Roberts

Research shows that if your employees are disengaged then they’re probably not going to deliver the experience your customers are looking for.
Read More June 15, 2016

Topics: Employee Engagement

The Impact of Not Making Your People Feel Valued (And What We Can Do About It)

Posted by Pat McCarry

If you’re not valuing your people and not involving them, then your development, as an organisation, company or team, is reliant upon ideas and full engagement coming from very few places.
Read More April 7, 2016

Topics: Employee Engagement

How Involvement Can Increase Emotional Engagement Within Your Team

Posted by Pat McCarry

I believe you don't get emotional engagement unless people believe that their ideas are valued and that they're cared about as people.
Read More April 6, 2016

Topics: Employee Engagement

Why Understanding Motivation is Key To Emotionally Engaging Employees

Posted by Jerry Angrave

There are employees who get it and are highly motivated; they understand what their roles are and what is expected of them. But at the other end of the spectrum, there are other employees who don't...
Read More March 29, 2016

Topics: Employee Engagement

3 Practical Tips to Improve Employee Engagement in the Contact Centre

Posted by Emma Rudeck

Your agents are the face and voice of your brand. So, by definition, you’ll want them to put their best foot forward for your brand.
Read More March 7, 2016

Topics: Employee Engagement, Contact Centre Customer Experience

3 Ways to Attract and Retain Amazing Frontline Employees

Posted by Emma Rudeck

Did you know that being famous for delivering a great customer experience could help you to recruit great employees? Strong customer advocacy will naturally help you attract new customers as well as...
Read More December 14, 2015

Topics: Customer Experience, Employee Engagement

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