Customer Feedback: Allowing customers to follow their desire paths

Posted by Gareth Rees

Have you heard the story about the University who argued about where to place the footpaths on the campus? The arguments went on for a while until someone suggested not building them at all and...
Read More September 23, 2014

Topics: Customer Feedback Management

Gamification: It doesn't feel like work if you're enjoying it

Posted by Hards

More often than not, our working lives are spent staring at screens and typing away. After a while it can become quite mundane. For that reason it is important to make sure the applications and tools...
Read More September 19, 2014

Topics: Blog

Shoppers with Mobiles – who are the winners?

Posted by Gareth Rees

I’m a serious fan of online shopping, not only because I’m busy but also as it makes my customer experience easy and when I can use it to leave real-time customer feedback - even better!
Read More September 19, 2014

Topics: Online Customer Experience, Mobile Customer Experience

Things to do with Customer Comment Cards

Posted by Jules

So you're sat there bored in the restaurant, hotel bar, fast food joint and you notice the customer comment cards. What are you going to do with them?
Read More September 17, 2014

Topics: Customer Comment Cards, Comment Cards

Empathy and Sympathy in the Customer Experience

Posted by Gareth Rees

What is the difference between empathy and sympathy? The Oxford English Dictionary is very clear that sympathy is, “feeling pity or sorrow for someone else’s misfortune” and empathy, “understands the...
Read More September 15, 2014

Topics: Customer Experience, Customer Emotion

Customer feedback: It's All About The Timing

Posted by Hards

I can’t help but think that if a brand really cares about customer feedback and how their customers feel, they wouldn’t wait weeks to ask you – so why do some brands reach out at a snail’s pace?
Read More September 5, 2014

Topics: Customer Feedback, Real-time Customer Feedback

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